and Street Curbs:
Sec. 15-8.01 “Pull-Off”
No person shall construct or permit any paved or gravel “Pull-off”, parking areas, or curved or circular drive to be constructed in the front yard of any residential lot within the City.
Sec. 15-8.02 Permit For Street Curb:
(a) No person shall construct or permit any curb to be constructed or maintained at the edge of any paved portion of any street within the City without first obtaining a permit thereof from the Mayor or designee.
(b) No permit referred to in sub-section (a) of this section shall be issued until a plan of such curb showing the location and material and type of construction is delivered to the Mayor or designee and such body determines that the curb (i) will not be more than six (6) inches in height and is located in line with existing curbs at or near such location; (ii) will bot impede surface water drainage, and (iii) will be in keeping with and will not detract from the surrounding neighborhood.
(c) Upon the failure of any person to comply with these regulations, the Mayor or designee may send city employees upon said property to remedy the situation and the City shall have a lien against said property for the reasonable value of labor and materials used in doing so.
No person shall construct or permit any paved or gravel “Pull-off”, parking areas, or curved or circular drive to be constructed in the front yard of any residential lot within the City.
Sec. 15-8.02 Permit For Street Curb:
(a) No person shall construct or permit any curb to be constructed or maintained at the edge of any paved portion of any street within the City without first obtaining a permit thereof from the Mayor or designee.
(b) No permit referred to in sub-section (a) of this section shall be issued until a plan of such curb showing the location and material and type of construction is delivered to the Mayor or designee and such body determines that the curb (i) will not be more than six (6) inches in height and is located in line with existing curbs at or near such location; (ii) will bot impede surface water drainage, and (iii) will be in keeping with and will not detract from the surrounding neighborhood.
(c) Upon the failure of any person to comply with these regulations, the Mayor or designee may send city employees upon said property to remedy the situation and the City shall have a lien against said property for the reasonable value of labor and materials used in doing so.